Date: 02-2025

Our professional services consisted of the design of a new steel silo for the storage of soybean hulls, including its foundation, for the company TECHNIP in Port of Barcelona.

It includes the design, calculation and preparation of a 3D model and arrangement drawings of the new silo with a diameter of 9,800 mm and a total height of 25.00 m, its structure or support shaft and the micropiled foundation due to previous foundations that must be saved.

The new silo will have a sheet metal exterior diameter of Ø9,800 mm and will be supported on a lower shaft also made of sheet metal from the ground level. It will have an extraction cone with an angle of 30º and the level of the cylinder-cone transition will be located at the +7,100 level. The cylindrical shaft where the material is stored will have a height of 16.90 meters up to the +24.00 level and a truncated conical roof 1.00 meter high will rest on it, so the total height of the silo will be 25.00 meters.